Scissor Lifts for sale in Cleveland, OH
OHR Rents is your best choice to find a new or used scissor lift in Cleveland, Ohio.
If you are looking to buy a scissor lift in Cleveland or rent one, OHR Rents is happy to help.
Looking to see what we have in stock? Click here to see in-stock scissor lifts for sale.
OHR Rents has hundreds of scissor lifts available at their Cleveland location, just off I-77, north of Fleet Avenue. (Here’s how to pick up or drop off equipment at OHR Rents)
We are known for our excellent service, low prices, and our reliable equipment.
Our dedicated service and maintenance department ensures that your scissor lift will be ready to use.
Locally owned and operated, come see for yourself why more job sites and individuals are getting their scissor lifts from OHR Rents.
Electric scissor lifts available include:
Gas / Rough-Terrain 4-WD lifts available include:

Get a Quote, or Contact Us for More Info
We’re here to help you find the right equipment for your job at the right price. Use the form below, or call us at 1-216-373-0854 for more info.